Hair Rebonding

Hair Rebonding in Singapore

Are you tired of dealing with frizzy, unruly hair? Look no further than our professional hair rebonding services in Singapore. At Azel & Jane, we specialise in transforming your locks into sleek, straight perfection that lasts.

Hair Rebonding

Why Choose Hair Rebonding?

Hair rebonding is a revolutionary treatment that offers long-lasting results for those seeking silky smooth hair. By breaking down the natural bonds in your hair and rearranging them to a straighter form, rebonding provides a low-maintenance solution for managing frizz and curls.

Our Hair Rebonding Process

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Our experienced stylists will assess your hair type and discuss your desired result to customise the rebonding process to suit you.

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We will prepare your hair by cleansing it thoroughly to remove any impurities and buildup.

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Our professional-grade rebonding solution is applied to your hair in sections, ensuring even coverage from root to tip.

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Heat Treatment

Using advanced heat technology, we seal the rebonding solution into your hair, helping to achieve the desired straightness.

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The rebonding process is completed with a neutralising agent to lock in the straightened structure of your hair.

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Final Styling

Once the rebonding treatment is complete, our stylists will blow-dry and style your hair to perfection.

Aftercare Tips

To maintain your newly rebonded hair, it’s essential to follow these aftercare tips:

  • Use sulphate-free shampoos and conditioners to prolong the results.
  • Avoid heat styling tools excessively to prevent damage.
  • Schedule regular touch-up appointments to keep your hair looking its best.

Book Your Appointment Today

Ready to say goodbye to frizz and hello to sleek, straight hair? Contact us today to book your hair rebonding appointment at Azel & Jane in Singapore.

Soft Rebonding in Singapore

Welcome to Azel & Jane, where we specialise in gentle yet effective soft rebonding treatments in Singapore. Say goodbye to frizz and hello to soft, manageable locks with our professional services.

Soft Rebonding

What is Soft Rebonding?

Soft rebonding is a milder alternative to traditional rebonding, perfect for those looking to maintain some volume and movement in their hair while still enjoying the benefits of straightened locks. In this process, a more gentle formula is used compared to traditional rebonding. It helps to relax curls and waves, resulting in smoother, more manageable hair without sacrificing natural texture.

Our Soft Rebonding Process

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Our skilled stylists will assess your hair type and discuss your desired outcome to tailor the soft rebonding process to your needs.

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We will prepare your hair by cleansing it thoroughly to remove any product buildup and ensure optimal results.

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Our specially formulated soft rebonding solution is applied to your hair, focusing on the areas where you want to reduce curls or waves.

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Heat Treatment

Using controlled heat, we will gently relax the bonds in your hair to achieve a softer, smoother texture.

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The soft rebonding process is completed with a neutralising agent to lock in the new structure of your hair.

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Final Styling

Once the treatment is complete, our stylists will blow-dry and style your hair to enhance its natural beauty.

Aftercare Tips

Maintain your soft rebonded hair with these tips:

  • Use hydrating shampoos and conditioners to keep your hair moisturised.
  • Limit exposure to heat and sun to prevent damage and maintain the softness of your hair.
  • Schedule regular touch-up appointments to keep your hair looking its best.

Book Your Soft Rebonding Appointment Today

Ready to experience the benefits of soft rebonding? Contact us today to book your appointment at Azel & Jane in Singapore and achieve smooth, manageable hair with a touch of natural movement.