Keratin Treatment

Formaldehyde-free Keratin Treatment in Singapore

Experience the ultimate in hair smoothing and rejuvenation with our formaldehyde-free keratin treatment services at Azel & Jane in Singapore. Say goodbye to frizz, dullness, and damage, and hello to silky-smooth, shiny locks that turn heads wherever you go.

Keratin Treatment

Why Choose Our Keratin Treatment?

Keratin treatments are a popular choice for those seeking long-lasting frizz control and hair smoothing. Our formaldehyde-free keratin treatment is formulated with high-quality ingredients that penetrate deep into the hair shaft, repairing damage and creating a protective barrier against humidity and environmental stressors.

Our Keratin Treatment Process

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Our experienced stylists will assess your hair type, texture, and concerns to determine the most suitable keratin treatment for you.

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We will start by cleansing your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any buildup and open the hair cuticles for optimal keratin absorption.

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The keratin treatment will be applied to your hair in sections, ensuring even coverage from root to tip.

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Your hair will be left to absorb the keratin treatment, allowing the proteins to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and repair damage while creating a protective coating on the outside of the hair.

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Heat Activation

Heat will be applied to your hair to activate the keratin proteins and seal them into the hair cuticle, resulting in smooth, shiny locks.

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Rinse and Style

Once the treatment has been processed, your hair will be rinsed and blow-dried, revealing beautifully smooth and frizz-free hair.

Aftercare Tips

To prolong the results of your keratin treatment, we recommend:

  • Using sulphate-free shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for keratin-treated hair to maintain the integrity of the treatment.
  • Avoiding excessive heat styling, sun exposure or swimming, as these can compromise the results of the keratin treatment.
  • Scheduling regular touch-up appointments to keep your hair looking smooth and shiny.

Book Your Keratin Treatment Appointment Today

Ready to experience the transformative power of keratin? Contact us today to book your keratin treatment appointment at Azel & Jane in Singapore and unlock the secret to beautiful, frizz-free hair.