Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff Treatment in Singapore

Say goodbye to flakes and itchiness with our specialised dandruff treatment services at Azel & Jane in Singapore. Our targeted treatments are designed to effectively combat dandruff, soothe the scalp, and restore balance for healthy, flake-free hair.

Dandruff Treatment

Why Choose Our Dandruff Treatment?

Dandruff can be a persistent and nerve-wrecking issue, but our dandruff treatments offer effective solutions that target the root cause of the problem.

With the expertise of an in-house Certified Trichologist, our scalp specialists will customise a treatment plan to address your specific needs – whether your dandruff is caused by dryness, oiliness, or fungal infection.

Our Dandruff Treatment Process

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Our scalp specialists will conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess the severity of your dandruff, identify any underlying causes, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.

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Scalp Analysis

Using advanced technology, we will perform a detailed scalp analysis to determine the type of dandruff and tailor the treatment accordingly.

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We will start by thoroughly cleansing your scalp with a medicated shampoo to remove flakes, excess oil, and impurities.

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Treatment Application

Our specialised dandruff treatment will be applied to your scalp, targeting the underlying causes of dandruff and promoting a healthy scalp environment.

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Enjoy a relaxing scalp massage as the treatment is worked into your scalp, helping to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and soothe itchiness.

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Steam Treatment

Indulge in a revitalising steam treatment, a process that uses moist heat to open up the hair follicle and allows the nourishing ingredients from our treatment to penetrate for better absorption.

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Rinse and Style

Once the treatment has been applied and processed, your scalp will be rinsed thoroughly, and your hair will be styled to perfection.

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Application of Scalp Tonic

Following the treatment, we will apply a specialised scalp tonic to further enhance the nourishing and revitalising effects. This tonic is formulated to address specific scalp concerns and promote overall scalp health, leaving your scalp feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

The Benefits of Doing a Dandruff Treatment

Aftercare Tips

To maintain a dandruff-free scalp, we recommend:

  • Using medicated shampoos and treatments recommended by your stylist to control dandruff and prevent its recurrence.
  • Avoiding harsh hair care products and ingredients that can irritate the scalp and exacerbate dandruff.
  • Double cleansing during each hair wash to thoroughly remove buildups.
  • Incorporating scalp treatments into your hair care routine to promote scalp health and prevent dandruff flare-ups.

Book Your Dandruff Treatment Appointment Today

Ready to banish dandruff for good? Contact us today to book your dandruff treatment appointment at Azel & Jane in Singapore and enjoy the confidence of a healthy, flake-free scalp.